Context Type Part of Plans Note Book NB Pages Finds Summary Spotdating Comments
A+ Located Unstratified NBD1 pp1(rim)+tl10+bo1+me1(horseshoe frag - Fe)+ot(field drain pipe) example of U shaped field drain - peg tile - bone - hourse shoe frag - starage jar rim
B+78 Located Unstratified NBD1 pr1(small)+pm3(inc 1med? 2postmed) unstratified finds from field LFB 1978
D+78 Located Unstratified pm16+pm7(needs check)+bo2+gl1+me(spoon)+ot4(2pipe stem 2 slate) unstratified finds from field LFD
D51 Ditch NB1 55 pm14+bo12+tl1+sh1+ot4(stone4)+soil sample north side of 'moat'-finds salvaged
D52 Possible ditch NB1 56 pm17+tl2+me1(fe nail)+ot6(mortar6) loamy line in brickearth N-S
D52+ Located Unstratified NB1 finds found in area of 'moat' during stripping
D53 Possible pit NB1 57 pm3 light coloured loamy pit or ditch within 'moat' area
D54 Ditch NB1 57 NE-SW ditch probably same as Slough House farm trackway
D55 Ditch NB1 58 tl5(small) NE-SW but not quite on same line as N54
D56 Fork salvaged NB1 pm4 Finds from 'moat' fairly well down in grey fill
D57 Fork salvaged NB1 86 pm22+bo14+ot2(cbm2)+soil sample finds from grey silty patch which may have been the very bottom of 'moat'
D58 Natural Feature NB1 88 deep W-E clayey 'stream' bed - 3-4m wide - approx 30m south of 'moat'
D59 Ditch NB1 90 old field ditch shown on tithe maps
D60 Ditch NB1 89 short length of ditch bottom - looks early but no finds
D61 Ditch NB1 91 length of ditch which was lest orangy and more loamy that D60 - cuts over D60 i.e. later
D62 Ditch NB1 91 on line of Slough House trackway
D63 Ditch NB1 91 parallel to and 4m south of D62
D64 Ditch NB1 115 NE-SW - not very straight - probably east main trackway ditch
D65 Ditch NB1 117 probably west side of main trackway
D66 Ditch NB1 117 NW-SE small length and butt end next to D65
DFWA1 Field Walking Area NBD1 pm9+bo1+tl1+gl2+ot4(slate2+stone1+clay pipe stem)
DFWA2 Field Walking Area NBD1 pm6+tl2+bo13+ot4(bsm1+slate1+clay pipe stem2)
DFWA3 Field Walking Area NBD1 pm3+me2(fe nut & iron bar)+bo24+ot3
DFWA4 Field Walking Area NBD1 pm10+bo5+gl2+fl1+sl1+me1(large nail)+ot4(slate3+clay pipe stem)
DFWA5 Field Walking Area NBD1 pm6+bo6+gl3+me?(fe many small fragments)+ot2(slate+clay pipe)
DFWA6 Field Walking Area NBD1 pm6+bo16+gl1+me1(Fe strip)+ot2(clay pipe stems)
DFWA7 Field Walking Area NBD1 pm4+tl2+bo8+gl1+sl1+me?(Fe fragments)+ot2(slate+stone)
DFWA8 Field Walking Area NBD1 pm2+bo4+sl2
DFWA9 Field Walking Area NBD1 pm4+bo3+me3(Fe frags)+sl1
DFWA10 Field Walking Area NBD1 pm4+bo3+gl1+sl1+ot1(slate)
DFWB1 Field Walking Area NBD1 pm11+bo5+ot2(slate+stone)
DFWB2 Field Walking Area NBD1 pm10+bo6+sh1+ot6(slate1+brick1+clinker4)
DFWB3 Field Walking Area NBD1 pm7+bo5+gl2+me1(button)+sl1+ot4(slate2+clay pipe2)
DFWB4 Field Walking Area NBD1 pm10(inc louvre sherd)+bo2+tl4+me(Fe)+gl2+ot7(clay pipe stem&bowl+slate3+brick2)
DFWB5 Field Walking Area NBD1 pm7+bo5+gl2+me2(hinge&nail)+ot4(clay pipe stem+slate3)
E1 Ditch NB1 24 NE-SW ditch showing as stony flinty line just under topsoil
E2 Ditch NB1 26 parallel to E1 - about 7m to the east of it
E3 Ditch NB1 39 silty ditch bottom - NE-SW
E4 Ditch NB1 39 parallel to E3 and 3m from it
E5 Ditch NB1 40 N-S length of light colour ditch
E6 Ditch NB1 41 approx parallel to E5 - on line 26 paces to west
E+ Located Unstratified NB1 pm3+fl1+tl1 context for unstratified finds
F+78 Located Unstratified NBD1 pm8(mostly postmed glazed)+gl1+ot(clay pipe stem) Unstratified finds from LFF 1978
F+79 Located Unstratified NBD1 pm3(1handle 2rim) unstratified finds from LFF in 1979
F1 Ditch NBD1 pp21(inc rim)+fl6 E Neolithic NW-SE ditch which produced mid neolithic pottery and flints
F1I Segment 1 NBD1 long first segment of ditch
F1II Segment 1 NBD1 smaller segment to north of F1I
F1III Segment 1 NBD1 another segment to north of F1II
F1IV Test Segment NBD1 pp1(small)+fl1 test section which seems to have missed F1
F2 Pit NBD1 charcoally pit with burning in situ - 10m or so west of F1
F3 Ditch NBD1 with large bore field drain pipe - on tithe maps but not on 1948 APs
F5 Pit NBD1 pp83(inc rim)+fl14+bf10+cb(in soil sam) E Neolithic on projected line of F1 - 2nd largest collection of mid-neolithic pot in Essex
F6 Possible Cremation NBD1 small pit with bone fragments
F7 Possible well NBD1 pp61+fl1+bf1+bc12(soil with pot) BA flat base sherds fairly large pit with flinty pottery - filled quickly with water at bottom
F8 Possible ditch NBD1 cut by N-S conveyor section
F9 Natural Feature NBD1 U shape in N-S conveyer section - Sample taken
F10 Surface Cleaning 7? NBD1 pp2(inc rim) 1 flint tempered body sherd cleaning over F7
F11 Patch NB1 3 small patch of burning in situ
F12 Pit NB1 4 fl3 grey triangular pit producing nice flint and some charcoal
F13 Patch NB1 4 grey with some charcoal
F14 Ditch 8? NB1 5 same trackway ditch as G15 and F8
F15 Sample NB1 184 from several very 'natural' looking black patches
F16 Natural Feature NBD1 very large natural clay old stream bottom
F17 Pit NB1 14 pp2 very round 'clay lined' pit - interesting layers visible
F18 Ditch NB1 22 4m length of ditch - NW-SE
F19 Patch NB1 22 light grey patch cut by F18
F20 Sample NB1 22 sample of brickearth into which F19 and F18 have been cut
F21 Ditch NB1 25 5m long light line showing in brickearth - no finds
F22 Ditch 1 NB1 26 pp3 3 flint tempered body sherds a section of F1 a lot to the south
F23 Possible ditch NB1 28 wider than and possibly cutting F22 at right angles
F24 Pit NB1 29 pp>50(inc 3rim - many v small pieces)+fl22(inc microlith frags) E Neolithic small pit showing light when dry and dark when wet
G1 Ditch NBD1 pp5(inc rim) MIA E-W ditch first seen in gravel pit N-S conveyor section
G2 Surface Cleaning 3 NBD1 pp77(inc 7rim)+tl18+bc21+bf1(small)+fl22+lw4+ot(bsm4 clay pipe stem) MIA/LIA/Post Med cleaning over hut G3
G3 Hut Ring ditch NBD1 pp83(inc rim) MIA outside diameter 16.5m - east facing entrance
G3I Segment 3 NBD1 pp103+pp120(inc 4base 10rim)+fl1+lw43+ot(spindle whorl) MIA outside segment of entrance north butt end
G3II Segment 3 NBD1 top layer of inside entrance north butt end
G3III Layer 3 NBD1 pp38(inc rim)+bf1 MIA layer below G3II
G3IV Layer 3 NBD1 pp5+bc3 MIA below G3II and G3III
G3V Possible post hole 3 NBD1 fl3+bf19 small round black patch in junction of G3III and G3II looked possible post hole
G3VI Segment 3 NBD1 fl1 north butt end of west interuption
G3VII Segment 3 NBD1 pp2(inc rim) MIA south butt end in SE of hut ring ditch
G3VIII Segment 3 NBD1 south butt end of west side interuption
G3IX Segment 3 NBD1 pp9+fl1+ch MIA east 'butt end' in another interuption in the south of hut ditch
G3X Segment 3 NBD1 pp2(small)+ch MIA south 'butt end' of first section of ditch which is entrance south butt end
G3XI Segment 3 NBD1 pp107(inc 2rim 11base small footring)+bc2 MIA south butt end of the east entrance
G4 Post Hole 3? NBD1 pp1 MIA centre of hut circle
G5 Post Hole 3? NBD1 pp10(recon pot in 2 pieces) MIA - large part of single pot about 1.5m east of centre of hut
G6 Possible pit NBD1 outside G3 but no finds
G7 Patch NB1 185 pp2(small)+ch indet in entrance to G3 by probably compressed by machine
G8 Pit NB1 185 outside G3 - dark grey - no finds
G9 Patch 3? NB1 185 grey patch inside hut circle G3 but no finds
G10 Patch 3? NB1 185 grey patch inside G3
G11 Possible pit 3? NB1 184 pp1 fg sherd disturbance or recut into and over G3 north butt end side
G12 Patch NB1 6 small charcoally patch near LFF boundary
G13 Possible ditch NB1 8 possible shallow ditch in small droped section
G14 Ditch NB1 9 pp1(small)+fl1 fg sherd west trackway ditch
G15 Ditch NB1 9 east side of trackway
G16 Ditch 1? NB1 9 soft fill - same as G1?
G17 Specific Find 14? NB1 183 flint flake found near and over G14 - unstratified
G18 Pit NB1 11 pp20(inc rim base)+bc12 MIA large rim and bse sherds small grey loamy pit to NE of G3 - several IA sherds
G19 Possible gulley NB1 11 pp107(inc base 7rim)+fl1 MIA small slot near G18 - lots of pottery
G20 Possible gulley NB1 11 similar to G19 but no pottery
G21 Patch NB1 14 with charcoal
G22 Natural Feature NB1 17 very wide and deep seam of mixed clay and gravel - natural feature
G23 Patch NB1 17 grey area containing charcoal specks
G24 Sample 1 NB1 17 east end
G25 Sample 14? NB1 17 from N-S ditch near join with G24
G26 Test Segment NB1 181 to try and see G1 on east side of trackway - not there
G27 Patch NB1 180 clay patch and 'ditch' - probably natural but could relate to G14
G28 Ditch 15 NB1 19 S-E of 3 ditches - east of trackway and also G37
G29 Ditch NB1 19 middle of 3 diches - also G34 and G39
G30 Ditch 14? NB1 19 same side of trackway as G14
G31 Test Segment NB1 180 second look at section dug earlier - no finds but another ditch?
G32 Possible ditch NB1 20 small - recorded in gravel pit section
G33 Ditch 14? NB1 21 in NE corner of LFG
G34 Ditch 29? NB1 21 centre of three ditch lengths - same as G39
G35 Ditch 15? NB1 21
G36 Ditch NB1 21 NW-SE ditch that stops at trackway
G37 Ditch 15? NBD1 feint grey line - same as G28
G38 Ditch 15? NBD1 close to and on same line as G37 - same as G28
G39 Ditch 29? NBD1 centre trackway ditch
G40 Ditch 14? NBD1 same as G30
G41 Patch NB1 151 light silty patch to south of G3 - unexcavated
H+78 Located Unstratified NB1 pm1(modern brown glazed rim) unstratified finds from LFH 1978
H1 Unknown feature NB1 43 pm2+bc2(small)+fl1+me(frags)+ot(slate) round soft red feature (approx 3m) producing 'modern' finds
H2 Ditch NB1 43 definate 'L' shaped ditch - 'placing card' corner - 40cm wide
H3 Possible ditch NB1 43 approx E-W - vague greyey light line approx 1m wide
H4 Possible ditch NB1 43 similar to H3 but slightly more distinct
H5 Ditch NB1 59 probably south ditch of trackway branch
H6 Ditch NB1 59 contination of G36
H7 Ditch NB1 62 tithe map ditch
H8 Possible ditch NB1 68 pm8+tl2+gl2+bo1+me(Fe frags)+ot2(brick) showing as vague dark patch - brick and pegtile around
H9 Possible ditch NB1 70 possible NW-SE length of ditch
H10 Possible ditch NB1 70 similar and close to H9
J1 Ditch NB2 67 approx E-W slight bend - light line in orangy brickearth and gravel
J2 Possible ditch NB2 67 similar alignment as J1 but less regular and may be natural
J3 Ditch NB2 69-71 pp1 E-W very straight extending into LFM
J4 Ditch NB2 69-70 pp1 N-S and does bend in places - similar fill to J3 but not so regular
J5 Surface Cleaning 3? NB2 70 pp1(rim) rim sherd found while cleaning section of J3
J6 Located Unstratified 3? NB2 70 pp1
J7 Patch NB2 73 pp1(base) small grey silty patch - piece of base found
J8 Pit NB2 73 soil sample small shallow pit with lots of charcoal and burning in situ - no finds
M+82 Located Unstratified pm2+bc5(small)+sl2(small)
M1 Ditch NB2 77 possible ditch E-W - loamy line in brickearth
M2 Ditch NB2 77 tl3(small) N-S loamy line in brickearth - has 6" field drain pipes
M3 Pit NB3 6 tl3(possible Roman) possible roman brick
M4 Ditch J3 NB3 36744 long E-W ditch which is same as LFJ3
M5 Ditch 1? NB3 36744 E-W ditch that may be same as M1
M6 Possible hearth NB3 36745 bc24+bf2 pit with much charcoal
M7 Specific Find 4 NB3 8 pp1(base) one pot sherd found in ditch M4
M8 Ditch NB3 36808 curving N-S - dark brown silt fill
M9 Possible ditch NB3 13-14 or beam slot - approx W-E
M10 Post Hole ? NB3 1314 in line with M11 M12 M13
M11 Post Hole ? NB3 1314 in a line with M10 M12 M13
M12 Post Hole ? NB3 1314 in a line with M10 M11 M13
M13 Post Hole ? NB3 1314 in a line with M10 M11 M12
M14 Possible Stake Hole NB3 1921 silty fill
M15 Patch NB3 1719 silty
M16 Possible post hole NB3 1921
M17 Patch NB3 1719 silty
M18 Patch NB3 1719 silty
M19 Possible Stake Hole NB3 1921 silty
M20 Patch NB3 1719 silty
M21 Patch NB3 1719 silty
M22 Possible post hole NB3 1921
M23 Patch NB3 19-20 larger and elongated - natural?
M24 Patch NB3 1720 shallow silty
M25 Patch NB3 1720 shallow silty round
M26 Possible post hole NB3 1720 deeper silty patch
M27 Patch NB3 1720 silty
M28 Specific Find NB3 26 me1(coin) coin of Antoninus Pius
M29 Specific Find NB3 26 me1 badge with compas dividers and square - missing find at moment
M30 Located Unstratified NB3 26 tl2+fl8+bf2+sl2+me>10(inc spent bullet buttons musket ball?)
N+ Located Unstratified pp1+fl1
N+79 Located Unstratified pp3+pm1(post med)+fl6
N+80 Located Unstratified pp9+fl13 site cleaning
N+81 Located Unstratified pp2 cleaning around 81/82 trench
N+82 Located Unstratified pp2 cleaning
N+83 Located Unstratified pp20
Nsf1 Specific Find 1 NB1 157 pp(crumbs) indet pottery from bottom silt of LFN1VII
Nsf2 Specific Find 1? SD2N NB1 157 pp3(inc decor base) ?beaker base decor pot base sherd on clean surface just outside LFN5
Nsf3 Specific Find 1 NB1 157 fl1(arrow head) leaf shaped arrow head from LFN1 ditch
Nsf4 Specific Find 5? SD2N NB1 157 pp1(cordon decorated) MBA urn sherd with finger impressed cordon bucket urn sherd on cleaned surface inside LFN5
Nsf5 Specific Find 1 NB1 157 pp30(some v small)+fl28 concentration of pottery+flints in segment LFN35
Nsf6 Specific Find 3 NB1 156 pp1 LIA/ROM Pottery sherd from section LFN3 B
Nsf7 Specific Find 23 NB1 156 pp1 MIA rim Pot rim from east extension
Nsf8 Specific Find 5? SD2N NB1 156 pp1 fg preh body sherd on cleaned surface inside LFN5
Nsf9 Specific Find 5? SD2N NB1 156 bo1 bone on cleaned surface inside LFN5
Nsf10 Specific Find 66 NB1 156 pp1(sherd with LFN66) beaker sherd from feature LFN66
Nsf11 Specific Find 5? NB1 156 pp*(small crumbs) indet(too small) tiny pot fragments near south side of LFN5
Nsf12 Specific Find 1? SD3N NB1 156 pp1 fg body sherd sherd on cleaned surface between LFN1 and LFN5
Nsf13 Specific Find 1? SD3N NB1 156 fl1 flint on cleaned surface between LFN1 and LFN5
Nsf14 Specific Find 1? SD3N NB1 156 pp5(3 v small) ?MIA sherds Pot sherds on cleaned surface between LFN1 and LFN5
N1 Barrow Ring Ditch SD1N+SD3N+SD6N+SD9N NB1 31+lots pp1+fl11 Large 'Barrow' ditch
N1I Segment 1 NB1 32 pp9(inc rim)+fl10 ?MBA/LBA + MIA body sherd Segment in south of ring N1
N1II Segment 1 NB1 37 pp6+fl31 fg preh + 1 beaker sherd East butt end of narrow south entrance
N1III Unknown feature NB1 37 pp1(rim) inder preh + post med tile! not in site notebook - has pottery
N1IV Segment 1 NB1 37 pp10+ch2+fl112 top layer between N1 and N11
N1V Layer 1 NB1 67 pp1+ch+fl37+bf1 below N1IV
N1VI Layer 1 NB1 67 fl6+ch below N1V
N1VII Layer 1 NB1 67 pp1+fl8 below N1V and N1VI
N1VIII Segment 1 NB1 77 pp1+fl4+sl south half of west butt end
N2 Ditch SD1N+SD8N NB1 31+lots N-S ditch which bends in excavation trench then runs E-W
N2I Segment 2 NB1 35 at west trench section
N2II Segment 2 NB1 35 pp1 across start of N-S part
N2III Segment 2 NB1 35 fl27 at north trench section
N2IV Segment 2 NB1 35 across bend in N2
N2V Segment 2 NB1 35 pr4+tl1(roman) west half of newly discovered 'Butt' end
N2VI Segment 2 NB1 38 top layer of east butt end
N2VII Layer 2 NB1 38 pr20 below N2VI
N2VIII Segment 2 NB1 49 pp1 at very end of butt end next to N2VI
N2IX Segment 2 NB1 49 pp2 south side of new south butt end
N3 Ditch SD1N+SD8N NB1 31+lots W-E ditch
N3I Segment 3 NB1 35 top layer - on east trench section
N3II Segment 3 NB1 35 pp1 mid way along exposed ditch
N3III Segment 3 NB1 3774 pp3(inc base) between butt end and N3II
N3IV Layer 3 NB1 74 pp1+fl1 below N31
N4 Surface Cleaning 5 NB1 31 pp2 fg preh cleaning over N5
N5 Unknown Ring ditch SD1N+SD2N+SD3N+SD7N NB1 35+lots Inside centre of N1
N5I Segment 5 NB1 3537 pp1 south segment
N5II Segment 5 NB1 35 pp4+fl3 indet south west segment
N5III Unknown feature 5 fl1 not in notebook
N6 Cremation SD1N NB1 34 pp9 fine fg preh cremation pot inside N1 - black fill
N7 Patch SD1N NB1 35 possible cremation - charcoal patch inside N5
N8 Possible pit SD1N NB1 35 just outside N1 entrance - Orangy brickearth - possibly natural
N9 Possible pit SD1N NB1 35 Like N8 but more likely man made
N10 Surface Cleaning NB1 49 pp15+fl186+sl2 fg preh over N1 N11 and N12
N11 Layer 1 NB1 49 dark top layer at north excavation trench
N12 Patch NB1 49 Big patch which may be earlier than N1 or N2 - may be natural
N13 Patch SD1N NB1 170 pp3+ch abra ROM sherd Dark charcoally - just to west of N2
N14 Pottery 701 NB1 74 found cleaning over hard gravelling
N15 Cremation SD1N NB1 77 pp35(small)+ch+? fg sherds remains of cremation cut by N2
N16 Pottery 15 NB1 78 burial pottery
N17 Possible post hole 1 SD1N NB1 78 may be posthole in fill of N1 west butt end - no finds
N18 Layer 1 NB1 79 fl26 darker part of N1 under N10 - more stoney
N19 Possible post hole 1 SD1N NB1 81 pp3+fl1 indet(too small) earlier cut of N17?
N20 Possible post hole 1 SD1N NB1 81 not clear in notebook
N21 Patch SD1N NB1 81 small charcoally outside N1 - possible stakehole
N22 Patch SD1N NB1 81 not clear in notebook which says probably natural
N23 Enclosure Ditch 613 NB1 98 east and adjoining N1
N24 Feature 23 NB1 99 tiny east facing butt ended interuption in N23
N25 Layer 1 NB1 101 pp2+fl5 indet abra under N11 - found half leaf arrowhead
N26 Surface Cleaning NB1 101 pp1+fl5+sl1+me2(Fe) over N5 enlarged trench
N27 Surface Cleaning NB1 101 pp6+fl11 indet inside N23
N28 Layer 1 NB1 101 fl3 very botton silt below N25
N29 Feature SD4N NB1 162 pp1 oval irregular shape - position not in notebook
N30 Patch SD4N NB1 162 no finds - position not in notebook
N31 Pit/Posthole SD2N NB1 102 pp5 fg preh light brown silty clay - inside N5
N32 Patch SD2N NB1 102 bo32 burnt bone on surface - inside N5
N33 Surface Cleaning 1 NB1 103 fl4 over N1 S-W part
N34 Segment 1 SD3N+SD9N NB1 103 fl24 east side of east side of N1
N35 Segment 1 SD3N+SD9N NB1 103 pp(30 in Nsf5)+fl22+(fl28 in small find Nsf5) BA fg sherds more definate east segment of N1
N36 Feature SD1N NB1 103 fl3+bf3 possible large patch earlier than N1
N37 Segment 3? SD1N+SD8N NB1 103 segment under N701
N38 Patch 5 NB1 104 stoney - inside or cutting N5 - V shallow but perfectly circular depression
N39 Patch 5 SD2N NB1 104 pp2 charcoally patch in N5 N-W part
N40 Segment 1 NB1 103 fl17 west butt end of N1
N41 Segment 3? SD8N NB1 104-105 no finds - section reference
N42 Segment 3? SD8N NB1 104-105 no finds - under N701 near N2
N43 Segment 5 SD7N NB1 104 pp1+cb3(crem bone)+fl4 west side of N5
N44 Layer 1 NB1 106 pp1+fl1 very bottom of west butt end
N45 Segment 1 SD3N NB1 106 pp1+bc1(baked clay)+fl17 1fg preh body sherd SE segment of N1
N46 Segment 5 NB1 106 pp4+fl6 unident ?preh sherds East segment
N47 Segment 5 SD7N NB1 106 fl2 west segment
N48 Segment 5 SD7N NB1 106 NW part
N49 Segment 23 SD3N NB1 107 pp2+fl17 indet abra across near join with N1
N50 Ditch 23 NB1 107 same as N23 really
N51 Segment 1 NB1 107 fl31 SW part of N1
N52 Segment 5 SD7N NB1 106 pp1+ch1+fl2 SE part of N5
N53 Possible pit SD7N NB1 106 pp1 fg preh looks light brown sandy natural but produced pot - inside N1 outside N5
N54 Possible pit SD7N NB1 106 small no finds- inside N1 outside N5
N55 Segment 23 SD3N NB1 107 fl3 across N50
N56 Pit/Posthole 5 SD7N NB1 106 very small hole which cuts N5
N57 Patch 5 SD7N NB1 106 hollow which cuts N5
N58 Segment 23 NB1 107 no finds - section refence only
N59 Segment 23 NB1 108 pp1+fl2 fg body sherd just to east of N58
N60 Patch SD7N NB1 108 loamy stoney hollow inside of N5
N61 Segment 5 SD7N NB1 108 east segment
N62 Segment 5 SD7N NB1 108 pp1 indet NE segment
N63 Cremation SD13N NB1 108 pp18(inc rim) ? rim of MIA globular urn bone charcoal and pot - inside N5
N64 Segment 1 SD3N NB1 107 fl3 SE part - adjoins ealier section N49
N65 Surface Cleaning 23 NB1 107 pp1+bf1 1fg preh inside N23
N66 Pit/Posthole SD7N NB1 110 pp2(decorated) beaker very small hole inside N5 with dcorated sherd
N67 Pit SD3N+SD11N? NB1 111123124 pp2 fg preh central position in N23 - segment only available in excavation trench
N68 Pit SD7N NB1 106 'pit' to east of N5 - inside N1
N69 Pit SD7N NB1 106 to east of N5 - inside N1
N70 Possible gulley SD3N NB1 111 inside N23 - no finds
N71 Surface Cleaning NB1 154 pp2(small)+fl22+gl1+tl3 indet mostly over N5
N72 Pit NB1 154 fl2 large oval pit to west of N5 - cant find location in notebook
N73 Possible gulley SD7N NB1 110 pp1+bo(scull?) fg preh long thin feature inside N5
N74 Pit SD7N NB1 110 shallow round with silty loamy fill- inside N5
N75 Possible post hole SD7N NB1 154 small post hole inside N5
N76 Pit SD7N NB1 110 small shallow hole inside N5
N77 Pit SD7N NB1 110 small shallow hole inside N5
N78 Pit NB1 110 large pit near entrance to N5 -may include posthole - very clean silt fill
N79 Possible post hole NB1 113 small 'post hole' darker silt fill - inside N1
N80 Possible Stake Hole NB1 113 small fill like N79 - not located in notebook
N81 Patch NB1 113 silty - dark brown silt with charcoal
N82 Segment 1 NB1 113 pp26+fl65(inc 2 worked)+ch3+sl fg sherds ?BA between N25 and N51
N83 Segment 23 NB1 113 pp7+fl2 ?ROM + res preh between N55 and N58
N84 Segment 1 NB1 114 pp4+fl6 indet SE part
N85 Pottery 23 NB1 114 pp1 Shoulder sherd ?LBA from N23 but over N1
N86 Segment 1 NB1 122-123 pp4 fg preh + 1MIA large segment on east of N1
N87 Pit NB1 123 pp7(very small)+reconstructed pot ?belgic base Cut into top edge of N1 and has IA pottery
N88 Gulley NB1 124 cuts across N67 - inside N23
N89 Segment 23 NB1 124 pp1 1MIA sherd segment in south ditch
N90 Possible Stake Hole SD7N NB1 110 small inside N5
N91 Pottery 23 NB1 151 pp1 sherd found in N24 butt end
N92 Surface Cleaning SD32N NB2 1 pr100(inc amphora base rim)+gl1+fl1+dr3+da5 LIA/ROM/preh all surface cleaning over N702
N93 Ditch 706 SD14N+SD33N NB2 1+lots pp4 LIA/ROM + abra preh W-E ditch which is the North edge of N706
N94 Ditch 706 SD14N+SD16N NB2 1+lots N-S ditch which is a subdiving ditch inside N706
N95 Hut Ring ditch SD15N+SD16N+SD36N NB2 1+lots hut with east facing entrance - greyey browny loamy and stones inside N706
N96 Hut Ring ditch SD15N+SD37N NB2 1+lots tiny south entrance 'hut' inside N706 and N95
N97 Ditch 706 SD15N NB2 1+lots pp3+pp14(probably) LIA/ROM + 1?res preh smaller ditch/gulley E-W inside N706
N98 Pit SD14N NB2 1+lots pp19(inc rim and decor)+bc1+lw12+fl1+cb(small amount) LIA larger definate pit just north of N95
N99 Modern Feature NB2 3 field drain across N703
N100 Fill Record NB2 3 pp15(inc rim decor)+fl1 LIA + preh ?indet MIA ditches silty orangy - hard to work when dry
N101 Surface Cleaning NB2 4 pp15 LIA + abra preh these finds mixed with surface finds from N705 - over N102
N102 Pit SD16N+SD17N? NB2 4 large pit or pond inside enclosure N706
N103 Layer 102 NB2 4 pp57(inc rim base decor)+bf1+lw3 LIA + res fg sherds top layer in 705
N104 Layer 102 NB2 4 pp36(inc rim base decor)+cb1+fl2+lw1(small frag) LIA + res fg sherds second layer below N103
N105 Segment 102 NB2 4 pp41(inc rim base)+bc19(pos loomweight)+tl1 LIA + res fg sherds two top layers of N102 as appearing in other trench N704
N106 Patch SD31N NB2 4 light grey with orange specks - natural feature
N107 Patch SD31N NB2 4 similar fill and close to N106
N108 Patch 107 SD31N NB2 4 dark natural patch with black specks that are not charcoal - over N107
N109 Layer 102 NB2 6 pp91(inc rim base)+fl2+bf1+bc6 MIA LIA below N104 - may have finds from N110
N110 Possible ditch 102 NB2 6 pp2(inc base) MIA may be running into N102 - soft dark grey fill
N111 Layer 102 NB2 6 to west edge of N102 - on a level with N103 & N104
N112 Layer 102 NB2 6 pp60(inc rim)+bc3+cb3 LIA + some?MIA below N111
N113 Layer 102 NB2 7 pp34 ?LIA MIA not excavated as a layer - includes surface cleaning finds from N705
N114 Ditch 706 NB2 3 small N-S ditch just to east of hut N95 - assumed enclosure N706
N115 Ditch 706 NB2 1 pp37(inc rim) LIA E-W ditch which may be continuation of N97 and part of N706
N116 Segment 93 SD14N+SD31N NB2 12 pp7(inc rim) ?LIA/ROM top layer against east excavation section
N117 Layer 93 SD14N NB2 12 pp15(inc rim)+bc3 LIA/ROM + res preh below N116 from 5.5cm
N118 Segment 93 SD14N NB2 12 pp20(inc rim base decor)+bc7 LIA/ROM + res preh top layer against west excavation section
N119 Layer 93 SD14N NB2 12 pp35(inc rim)+bc4 ?LIA below N118
N120 Segment 98 SD14N+SD17N NB2 12 pp21(inc rim 12 very small)+bc30+tl3 ?LIA top layer SE quadrant
N121 Layer 98 SD14N NB2 12 bc4+ch+me6(Fe) below N120 - 19cm down to 35cm
N122 Layer 93 SD14N NB2 12 pp30(inc rim large decor)+fl1 ?LIA/ROM below N117 - 18.5cm to 28cm
N123 Segment 98 NB2 18 pp31(inc decor)+bc44 LIA/ROM + res preh top layer NW quadrant down to black layer
N124 Layer 98 NB2 18 pp4+bc1 LIA + res preh dark black charcoally layer below N123
N125 Segment 94 NB2 19 pp10+sl1 ?MIA top layer and most of segment
N126 Segment 93 NB2 19 pp23(inc rimdecor base) LIA + res preh top layer to west of N116 leaving bulk
N127 Layer 93 NB2 19 pp38(inc rim base) LIA + res preh below N126 from 19cm to 32cm
N128 Layer 94 NB2 19 stoney bottom of N125 - no finds
N129 Layer 93 NB2 19 pp7(inc base) LIA + res preh below N127 from 32cm to ditch bottom
N130 Surface Cleaning NB2 22 pp3 LIA + 1fg mostly over north entrance of N95
N131 Segment 93 SD33N NB2 22 pp49(inc rim base)+bc6 LIA top layer between N116 and N126
N132 Possible post hole 93 NB2 26 possible post hole in top of N93
N134 Possible fence line NB2 26 possible fence line of small stakes and 3 very likely stake holes - E-W south of N95
N135 Possible post hole NB2 26 pear shaped feature with black charcoaly path
N136 possible ring ditch NB2 27 a very likely ring ditch which under lies N93
N137 Possible post hole 136? NB2 27 possibly related to N136
N138 Possible post hole 136? NB2 27 possibly related to N136
N139 Possible post hole 136? NB2 27 possibly related to N136
N140 Possible post hole 136? NB2 27 possibly related to N136
N141 Possible post hole 94? NB2 27 possible posthole which is likely prop for pallisade N94
N142 Possible post hole 94? NB2 27 like N141 - likely prop for pallisade N94
N143 Layer 93 NB2 2829 pp29(inc large frag)+ch LIA + res preh north side of layer below N131
N144 Modern Feature NB2 30 pp2+bc1 1LIA + 1preh clay land drain pipes which cut across N98
N145 Segment 98 NB2 30 pp30(inc rim)+bc35+cb(very small amount) LIA + res preh top layer of NE quadrant of N98 - loamy grey silt
N146 Segment 95 SD35N NB2 30 ch(very small amount) west segment of N butt end of N95 at entrance
N147 Segment 94 SD33N NB2 29-31 pp8(inc rim) preh fg sherd west segment of N94 - browny orange silt
N148 Segment 94 SD14N+SD33N NB2 29-31 pp15+ch(small amount) preh W-E segment across N94 - lighter than N147
N149 Layer 95 NB2 30 pp4 preh fg second layer under N146 from 11.5cm
N150 Layer 93 NB2 29 pp7 preh fg bottom and west end of N131 - mixed grey silt stones and more gravel than N143
N151 Segment 97 NB2 3334 pp2+bc2+ch 2MIA inc 1rim 2m segment against east trench section
N152 Segment 97 NB2 3334 pp23(inc base) LIA + res preh fill as for N151
N153 Segment 94 NB2 33 pp8+bc3 ?EIA/MIA south segment and top layer
N154 Segment 136 NB2 28 pp4+ch(small) fg preh light browny orange overlay with mixed gravel and topsoil fill
N155 Segment 136 NB2 28 north segment similar fill N154
N156 Possible hearth SD19N NB2 33 possible hearth/pit just outside hut N95
N157 Segment 156 NB2 117 sl1 north half of top layer down to 4.5cm
N158 Layer 156 NB2 117 pp4(inc decrim)+reconstructed pot half MIA pot below N157 from 4.5cm to 'iron panning' and gravel bottom
N159 Segment 96 SD19N+SD37N NB2 3839 pp3 LIA & indeterminate east segment of N96
N160 Possible Post Pipe 135? NB2 38 charcoal rich feature cutting edge of N161 - may be part of N135 noted earlier
N161 Pit 135? NB2 38 some iron panning but not as much as N156
N162 Surface Cleaning 95 NB2 117 pp7 fg preh surface cleaning over N95
N163 Segment 98 NB2 40 pp11(inc rim)+bc2+ch(with small amount of bc) LIA NE quadrant - excavated in 3 layers a b & c
N163a Layer 98 NB2 41 top layer down 4cm - silt stones
N161b Layer 98 NB2 41 layer below N161a 6 to 7cm rich charcoal/silt
N161c Layer 98 NB2 41 below N161b 11cm stoney/silt
N164 Segment 94 NB2 42 pp19(inc decor) LIA junction N94 and N97 where relationship not determined
N165 Surface Cleaning NB2 42 pp7 Indet between N115 and N164
N166 Possible Cremation 115? NB2 42 pp7(inc rim)+cb(small sample) LIA concentration of large rim sherds - difficult to define
N167 Segment 97 NB2 38 pp1 LIA between N151 and N152 light brown silty fill and sandy orange in places
N168 Surface Cleaning 95 NB2 46 over N95 south butt end
N169 Segment 95 NB2 46 pp13(inc rim base)+fl1 MIA south butt end along to field drain
N170 Segment 93 NB2 4849 pp10(inc rim) LIA top layer close to N94
N171 Segment 95 SD15N NB2 4950 pp1+ch1 1fg top layer grey loamy silt - NE in circle
N172 Segment 94 NB2 4950 pp17(inc rim)+fl2 MIA towards south end of N94 - dark silty fill
N173 Segment 94 NB2 4950 pp9(inc rim)+bc4 MIA little to north of N172
N174 Layer 95 SD15N NB2 50 ch under N171
N175 Patch NB2 5253 clayey near N136 and N93
N176 Segment 95 NB2 54 loamy silt similar to N171 - Ditch appears to be changing
N177 Patch NB2 545960 excavated next to N95 but probably natural - no finds
N178 Segment 96 NB2 5455 north segment - no finds
N179 Layer 94 NB2 5556 pp2 2fg bottom of N172
N180 Segment 94 SD14N NB2 5556 pp5+fl1 ?MIA + earlier sherds small south side segment
N181 Segment 95 NB2 5556 pp2(very small) indet south side - Basically grey silt with many stones and plenty of gravel
N182 Segment 98 NB2 5556 pp2(inc base)+bc3 LIA SW quadrant and top layer
N183 Segment 96 SD15N NB2 57 pp2 ?MIA east butt end entrance - dark grey silt with plenty of gravel
N184 Segment 96 NB2 57 west butt end entrance of N96 - dark grey silt with plenty of gravel - no finds
N185 Segment 98 NB2 5658 pp10(inc rim)+bc8(some large) LIA top layer - dark grey silt loamy and some charcoal flecks - SW segment
N186 Layer 98 SD32N NB2 5658 pp3+bc?(some large) LIA below N185 - same fill
N187 Segment 95 NB2 6061 south segment - no finds
N188 Segment 95 NB2 62 similar to N187 - no finds
N189 Located Unstratified 93 NB2 68 pp10(inc rim) LIA + earlier sherds finds found cleaning up N118 after section collapse
N190 Segment 93 NB2 68 pp48(inc rim decor)+bc2(large) LIA top layer
N191 Layer 93 NB2 6869 pp18+bc8(small) LIA below N190
N192 Layer 93 NB2 6869 pp16+lw(larg frag)+bc14(very small) indet below N191
N193 Possible pit 94 NB2 4272 pp51(inc rim)+bc3(v small)+ch LIA/ROM elongated pit mostly over N94 - plenty of pot and burnt bone fragments - probably same as N166
N194 Surface Cleaning NB2 7273 pp15+lw1(1 frag) ?MIA mostly over N94
N195 Section 93 NB2 75 pp21(inc rim) LIA/ROM dark and orange loam/gravel - section context
N196 Section 93 NB2 75 pp13(inc rim decor)+bc9(small) LIA section context
N197 Segment 93 NB2 7580 pp77(inc rim base)+bc17+fl1 LIA/ROM all layers between N195 and N196
N198 Segment 94 NB2 76 pp3+fl3 fg preh cuts across N94 N96 and N95
N199 Segment 95 NB2 7680 pp1 indet south segment
N200 Segment 156 NB2 76 pp14 fg preh remaining south half of N156
N201 Segment 94 SD14N NB2 80 pp10+fl1 ?MIA top layer
N202 Layer 94 NB2 80 pp17 ?MIA bottom layer below N201 - same fill
N203 Surface Cleaning NB2 80 pp3 ?MIA mostly if not all from N94
N204 Located Unstratified NB2 110 bc1 Piece of loom weight found in a bag unlabelled - may be N98 or N93
N205 Segment 94 NB2 8283 pp16(inc rim)+fl1 MIA top layer - loamy grey silt
N206 Layer 94 NB2 8283 pp9(inc rim)+fl2 MIA below N205 same fill
N207 Possible pit NB2 8283 grey feature produced sherd - cut by N94?
N208 Unknown feature NB2 8283 light grey silty feature revealed by N205 - probably natural
N209 Unknown feature NB2 84 edges defined by 'iron panning'-gravelfill probably natural
N210 Unknown feature NB2 84 possible gulley - sandy fill probably natural
N211 Segment 95 NB2 85 pp9(inc rim) MIA grey loamy fill
N212 Segment 95 NB2 86 pp5(inc rim)+fl1 MIA grey loamy & gravelly fill
N213 Segment 95 NB2 86 pp5 MIA SW segment-same fill as N212
N214 Segment 94 NB2 86 pp5 MIA just north of N125 - grey silty fill with some stones
N215 Segment 94 NB2 86 just south of N125 - grey silty fill with some stones
N216 Surface Cleaning NB2 84 sl1(fe) over N209 and N210
N217 Segment 95 NB2 8688 pp2 fg preh NW segment to N of N211
N218 Pit/Posthole NB2 89 small to south of N95 near N97
N219 Pit/Posthole NB2 89 small -grey loamy silt - no finds
N220 Possible Stake Hole NB2 89 grey loamy silt - no finds
N221 Surface Cleaning NB2 89 pp12(inc rim) ?LIA thorough clean - most finds probably from N97
N222 Pit/Posthole NB2 89 small just south of N97
N223 Segment 94 NB2 89 pp9(inc base) MIA grey loamy silt
N224 Section 95 NB2 89 section 2m south from butt end
N225 Pit/Posthole NB2 89 yellowy grey loamy silt
N226 Pit/Posthole NB2 89 similar size to N225 but more sandy and lighter - cuts through N227
N227 Segment 94 NB2 89 pp3 fg preh grey silty fill
N228 Pit/Posthole NB2 8990 small - grey loamy fill
N229 Pit/Posthole NB2 8990 small - dark grey loamy fill
N230 Pit/Posthole NB2 8990 very shallow - loamy silt
N231 Pit/Posthole NB2 8990 small - loamy silt
N232 Possible pit NB2 91 large shallow - light yellowy silt similar to N148
N233 Pit/Posthole NB2 91 loamy and stoney fill
N234 Pit/Posthole NB2 91 light loamy fill
N235 Segment 94 NB2 92 pp2 MIA toward N end of site
N236 Segment 94 NB2 92 pp4 fg preh silty fill - cuts top of N95
N237 Segment 94 NB2 92 pp2 ?MIA cuts into top of N95 - fill is silty like other N94 segments
N238 Segment 95 NB2 92 pp2(inc large piece) MIA very hard and compacted stones and gravel
N239 Segment 95 NB2 92 hard packed loam and stones and gravel - no finds
N240 Segment 95 NB2 9294 small segment - no finds
N241 Surface Cleaning NB2 9294 pp5(inc rim) MIA finds probably N94
N242 Surface Cleaning NB2 9294 pp1 LIA may be from N243
N243 Possible pit 136? NB2 279295 pp2(2 rims) LIA silty light brown fill
N244 Possible pit NB2 9295 similar to N243 but west of N94 - Light brown silt fill
N245 Segment 136 NB2 96 segment/section across N136 and N243 - yelow clay fill
N246 Segment 94 NB2 100 pp7+fl1 MIA last segment across N94
N301 Hut Ring ditch SD16N+SD21N+SD36N NB3 1+lots Hooked shaped ring ditch joined to trackway
N302 Rectilinear Enclosure 706 SD16N+SD23N+SD24N+N36 NB3 1+lots enclosure same as N706
N303 Ditch SD23N NB3 1 E-W ditch extending across LFN and adjoining N2 and related to N3
N304 Ditch 708 NB3 1+lots west ditch of main N-S trackway
N305 Ditch 708 SD16N+SD23N NB3 1+lots main east ditch of N-S trackway
N306 Ditch 708 NB3 1 East ditch of trackway branch
N307 Ditch 708 NB3 1 West ditch of trackway branch
N308 Barrow Ring Ditch NB3 1 north of LFN and clear in crop marks - no finds
N309 Ditch NB3 1 very straight N-S ditch which joins N2 in N700
N310 Segment 303 NB3 3 no finds
N311 Ditch NB3 4 silt fill
N312 Post Hole 709 NB3 3.4 pp8(small) fg preh small charcoal rich post hole
N313 Post Hole 709 NB3 3.4 pp16(small)+ch abra fg sherds similar to N312
N314 Segment 311 NB3 3.4
N315 Surface Cleaning NB3 3.4 pp8+fl1 indet cleaning over N301
N316 Surface Cleaning NB3 1014 pm7+gl2(modern pyrex) post med mostly over N311
N317 Coin NB3 22-25 small coin
N318 Hoard NB3 22-25 sheild bindings and ring just inside N301
N319 Layer 331 NB3 27 pp5 MIA finds from top when cleaning surface
N320 Surface Cleaning 304 NB3 27 pp3 MIA cleaning where N331 joins N304
N321 Located Unstratified NB3 28 gl1(roman?)+bf6+me2(lead- Pb and nail - Fe) collection of bits around SW corner of N302 before surface cleaning
N322 Located Unstratified NB3 27 pp2 MIA finds from spoil heaps during 1982-83 trenches
N323 Specific Find 303 NB3 3 fl1 struck flint from N303 west of N310 about half way down
N324 Located Unstratified NB3 22 bc1+fl4+me2(?alloy - CU and nails - Fe) misc collection of bits by P Adkins - part over N301
N325 Pit/Posthole NB3 30 just to north of N302
N326 Specific Find 303 NB3 36-38 tl(roman) Roman brick over N303
N327 Post Hole 709 NB3 40 pp15(inc rim)+ch(small amount) fg preh v abra
N328 Patch 709 NB3 40 post hole
N329 Surface Cleaning NB3 41 pp3(inc rim) 1?ROM + 2 indet ?preh over N305
N330 Patch NB3 41 elongated soft silty patch
N331 Ditch NB3 41 ditch which links N301 and N304
N332 Surface Cleaning NB3 43 pp2(inc rim) LIA/ROM over N305 and N302
N333 Pit/Posthole NB3 45 SW of N301 - charcoal rich
N334 Ditch 306? NB3 45
N335 Section 304 NB3 4748 north section
N336 Section 304 NB3 4748 south section
N337 Specific Find 302 NB3 4748 pp1(rim) rim sherd over N302 - SW corner of N302
N338 Specific Find 302? NB3 4748 pp1(decorated rim) ?LIA SW corner of N302 - another rim sherd
N339 Segment 305 SD30N? NB3 5152 pp2 ?medi top layer - fairly clean silt - N302
N340 Layer 305 NB3 5152 pp1 ?medi gravelly layer below N339
N341 Segment 304 NB3 5152 pp2 silty fill
N342 Specific Find 708 NB3 5152 pp4 fg preh flint pottery just west of N305
N343 Segment 302 NB3 5354 pp20(inc rim+base from 2 pots)+sl1 ?ROM top layer N302 N303 SW corner of N706
N344 Segment 304 NB3 5354 bc7 also N303
N345 Segment 303 NB3 55 pp1 ?ROM abra opposite segment to N344 - one piece of pot or tile came from fill of N303
N346 Layer 303 NB3 56 pp1+bc12(small)+fl2 ?LIA below N343 - may be buried top soil
N347 Segment 331 NB3 5758 pp113(inc 9rim)+bc MIA top layer top 11cm
N348 Layer 331 NB3 5758 pp110(inc 11rim)+lw10(frags)+bf1 MIA below N347
N349 Surface Cleaning NB3 5758 pp15(small)+fl1 MIA over N301
N350 Segment 301 NB3 61 west segment
N351 Layer 301 NB3 61 from 13cm down to 18cm
N352 Layer 301 NB3 61 below N350 N351 18cm to 20cm
N353 Layer 301 NB3 6162 below N350 N351 and N352
N354 Layer 301 NB3 62 layer in N350
N355 Segment 331 NB3 6667 pp2+bc16(small) MIA very top layer
N356 Group of finds 307 NB3 65 pp24(inc base)+bc1+fl1 MIA pottery found in ditch of trackway branch
N357 Patch 708 NB3 65 ch1+me1(iron object?- Fe) burried topsoil - may be some sort of pit - produced charcoal and perhaps burnt clay
N358 Layer 331 NB3 66 pp16(inc rim base)+bc4 MIA below N355 down to 35cm
N359 Layer 331 NB3 66 pp15 MIA bottom layer below N355 N358 down to 50cm
N360 Sample 331 NB3 66 charcoal and soil sample from 20cm down
N361 Segment 305 NB3 67 top layer - no finds N302
N362 Segment 301 NB3 70 pp16(inc rim)+tl1+lw39 MIA south half of east butt end
N363 Patch 301 NB3 70 pp34(inc rim & decor)+lw1 darker patch in N362 which produced nearly all finds - may be pit cut into silted ditch
N364 Hoard SD30N NB3 59+lots another number for hoard of bronze bits
N365 Segment 301 NB3 6768 SW segment - no finds
N366 Patch NB3 6768 feature and segment inside N301 - no finds probably natural
N367 Segment 301 NB3 6769 pp15 MIA NW segment
N368 Segment 305 NB3 6769 pp11(inc rim)+bc1+fl1 ?MIA finds from 15cm and below - N302
N369 Surface Cleaning NB3 67 pp10(v small) ?MIA over N301
N370 Segment 301 NB3 72 pp20(inc rim)+bc7(small)+ch MIA quarter segment at south butt end
N371 Layer 301 NB3 72 pp2+bc2(small) MIA below N370
N372 Layer 301 NB3 72 pp2+ch indet below N370 N371
N373 Layer 301 NB3 72 below N370 N371 N372
N374 Segment 305 NB3 71 southof N302
N375 Layer 305 NB3 6771 pp5(inc base) LIA & earlier sherd lowest part of N368 N302
N376 Segment 301 NB3 7374 west half of north butt end
N377 Layer 301 NB3 7374 below N376
N378 Layer 301 NB3 7374 below N376 N377
N379 Layer 301 NB3 7374 below N376 N377 N378
N380 Layer 301 NB3 7374 bottom of N376
N381 Sample 382 NB3 75 ch charcoal sample
N382 Ditch 708 NB3 175 inner ditch of trackway near N707
N383 Specific Find 306 NB3 75 pp1(small) indet(too small) small piece of pot in trackway ditch
N384 Specific Find 305 NB3 76 pp1(rim) ?MIA rim sherd in section N302
N385 Layer 305 NB3 76 pp1(base) ?LIA lowest part of N368 - N302
N386 Layer 331 NB3 77 pp2 ?LIA approx 20cm to 25cm
N387 Layer 331 NB3 77 pp94(inc 5rims)+bf3 MIA recut in top of N331
N388 Layer 331 NB3 77 pp11(inc rim) MIA below N386 from 25cm down
N389 Segment 301 NB3 7879 pp6 MIA NW segment and top layer
N390 Layer 301 NB3 7879 pp1 fg preh below N389
N391 Segment 301 NB3 7879 south segment
N392 Hearth 301 NB3 7879 at centre of hut N301
N393 Post Hole 301 NB3 7879 pp53(smallish pieces) MIA hut post hole
N394 Post Hole 301 NB3 7879 pp6(inc rim)+bc2(small)+ch(small)+cb(small) MIA
N395 Post Hole 301 NB3 7879 ch
N396 Segment 301 NB3 79 pp3 ?MIA NW segment - top layer
N397 Post Hole 301 NB3 79 pp5(inc rim) MIA
N398 Segment 301 NB3 7980 bc13+fl1 towards SW - top layer
N399 Segment 301 NB3 7980 SE segment - no finds
N400 Group of finds 331 NB3 8182 pp70(inc 3base 7rim) MIA concentration of pottery in recut N387
N401 Post Hole 301 NB3 7983 pp7 ?MIA
N402 Segment 301 SD21N NB3 798283 pp41(in base 5rim)+lw8(fragments) MIA north segment - top layer down to 12cm
N403 Section 301 SD21N NB3 108 just section drawing
N404 Section 301 SD21N NB3 108 just section drawing
N405 Segment 301 NB3 108 pp11+bc1 ?MIA possible segment- top layer towards SW
N406 Post Hole 301 NB3 798587 pp8 ?MIA
N407 Segment 301 NB3 79 pp61(inc 3rims)+bc5(small) MIA top layer towards NE
N408 Segment 301 NB3 79 pp5+lw2(fragments) ?MIA towards NE - top layer
N409 Segment 301 NB3 79 tl1+lw3(fragments) top layer to west of N408
N410 Layer 331 NB3 818889 pp94(inc 13rim base)+lw3(frags) pot in 2 bags MIA bottom of N387 recut
N411 Layer 331 NB3 89 pp11+bc1(small) MIA finds context which may be same as N410 N387 or may be earlier
N412 Segment 301? NB3 679091 lw?(small frags) not clear in notebook
N413 Patch NB3 90 charcoaly silt patch just on SW outer edge of N301
N414 Segment 301 NB3 9192 pp8(small) ?MIA N-NE top layer
N415 Segment 301 NB3 9192 lw3(frags)+fl2 top layer a little to west of N414
N416 Segment 301 NB3 91 pp7+sh1(whelk?)+lw21(small frags) ?MIA towards North
N417 Segment 331 NB3 93 pp113(inc rim) MIA next to N355
N418 Section 301 SD21N NB3 9394
N419 Segment 331 NB3 9394 pp182(inc 20rim3base)+lw2+fl2+bc15(small) pot in two bags MIA part of segment down to 25cm
N420 Layer 331 NB3 9394 pp72(inc 7rim)+lw4(small frags)+fl3 MIA below N419 down to 45cm
N421 Layer 331 NB3 9394 pp32(inc base)(small) MIA below N419 N420
N422 Section 301 SD21N NB3 83
N423 Section 301 SD21N NB3 95
N424 Section 301 SD21N NB3 95 NE of segment N425
N425 Segment 301 NB3 95 towards SE - no finds
N426 Section 301 SD21N NB3 106 towards North
N427 Section 301 SD21N NB3 106 towards North
N428 Section 301 SD21N NB3 106 N-E
N429 Section 301 SD21N NB3 106 N-E
N430 Layer 331 NB3 96 lower section of N347
N431 Layer 301 NB3 7995 pp13(inc rim) MIA below N407
N432 Segment 301 NB3 95 pp34(5rim base)+lw3 MIA top layer down to 20cm
N433 Segment 301 NB3 95 pp71(inc rim)+lw7 MIA finds mostly from top
N434 Pottery 331 NB3 9697 pp3(inc rim) MIA large sherd from N430 about 46cm down
N435 Layer 331 NB3 97 pp11(inc rim) MIA second layer of pottery in butt end cross section
N436 Section 301 SD21N NB3 105 near south butt end
N437 Segment 301 NB3 95 pp5(inc rim) MIA top layer
N438 Layer 301 NB3 95 pp1 MIA below N432 20cm down
N439 Segment 304 NB3 98100 pp19+bf2+lw3 MIA at corner with N331
N440 Hut Ring ditch SD16N+SD20N NB3 99 pp4 MIA hut circle inside N302
N441 possible ring ditch NB3 100 feint trace of small ring inside N301 - I dont think so
N442 Ditch 440 NB3 99100 pp2(small) ?LIA later N-S enclosure N302 sub division
N450 Ditch NB4 169 curving ditch which is south side of trackway fork N708
N451 Ditch 708 NB4 39999 pp2(small) indet follows on from N450 after junction with N452
N452 Gulley 708? NB4 39999 curves off of N450 and N451
N453 Gulley RH SD16N+SD22N NB4 810 pp12(inc rim base) MIA another ring just to west of N95 - west facing entrance
N454 Ditch 442 NB4 8 pp6 ?MIA same ditch as N442 - north end
N455 Pit 453? NB4 10 pp20(all one pot? inc rim and base) MIA pit close to N454
N456 Segment 453 SD22N NB4 10 pp6 MIA south butt end
N457 Pit/Posthole 453? NB4 10 pp20(inc rim base)+bf1 MIA inside hut N453
N458 Ditch 453 NB4 10 pp3 MIA south part of hut N453
N459 Segment 453 SD22N NB4 10 pp10+lw1(small) MIA North butt end
N460 Ditch 453 SD22N NB4 10 pp25(inc rim) MIA north ditch and part of N453
N461 Patch NB4 1011 in entrance to N453 - no finds - probably natural
N462 Ditch NB4 13 probably an extention to trackway ditch N307
N463 Segment 93 NB4 1516 pp10 MIA segment to the north - N706 N302
N464 Layer 93 NB4 1516 pp54(inc 4rim 4base) LIA/ROM below N463 - N302 lots of pot
N465 Segment 305 NB4 16 near NW corner N302
N466 Hearth 440 NB4 16 pp150(most small)+bc5(hearth)+ch MIA packet with burnt flint and stones and fragile sherds
N467 Ditch 708? NB4 19203031 curving ditch which seems to link N302 N303 and N305 - to south N302
N468 Segment NB4 2122 pp2 LBA inside N440 but not cutting ditch
N469 Gulley 440 NB4 2122 small internal divide of N440
N470 Ditch NB4 21 pp16(inc half small pot) LBA E-W ditch inside N302
N471 Segment 442 NB4 2021 segment which is inside N440 but meant to section N442
N472 Hut Ring ditch SD16N NB4 2223 pp2+lw1 indet just to north of N302 N706
N473 Hut Ring ditch SD16N NB4 2324 hut in NW corner of N302
N474 Hut Ring ditch SD16N NB4 2324 pp3 hut to N of hut N301
N475 Segment 474 NB4 2324 pp126(inc 6rim) north butt end of N474
N476 Segment 440 NB4 25 pp41(inc rim)(small) MIA
N477 Surface Cleaning NB4 2526 pp7(inc rim base)+bc2(small)+fl1 ?LIA inside N440 includes N479 N480 N302
N478 Surface Cleaning NB4 2526 pp20(small) LIA entrance to N440 most finds fromN481
N479 Segment 469 NB4 2526 lw7(small)
N480 Hut Ring ditch SD16N+SD20N NB4 2526 very unusual pear shaped depression - hut overlying N440 N302
N481 Segment 480 NB4 2526 part of N480 which overlies entrance to N440
N482 Segment 488 NB4 2728 pp15(small) MIA segment of 'corn dryer' N488
N483 Segment 481 NB4 28 pp46(inc 3rim) LIA Silty fill
N484 Patch 440? NB4 28 pp7(small) fg preh Shallow patch south of hearth
N485 Segment 440 NB4 28 pp2 fg preh North segment - rather stoney fill
N486 Segment 480 NB4 28 pp7+bc2(small) ?MIA
N487 Segment 488 SD26N NB4 28 pp5+bc6(small) Charcoal rich soil in N304 over the burnt red area that may be the fire of 'corn dryer' N488
N488 Possible corn drier SD20N NB4 2728 Possible corn drier which consists of an elongated patch linked to a ditch in which the fire was lit.
N489 Segment 474 NB4 29 south segment - no finds
N490 Patch NB4 29 pp53(inc 3rim)(small) ?MIA south of N474
N491 Post Hole 710 NB4 29 pp7(small) ?MIA
N492 Post Hole 710 NB4 29
N493 Post Hole 710 NB4 29
N494 Post Hole 710 NB4 29
N495 Post Hole 710? NB4 29 pp2(small) close to N710 so may be related
N496 Post Hole PI NB4 30 pp3(small) small charcoal rich pit just west of N474
N497 Segment 480 NB4 28 pp8(small)(inc rim) ?LIA north end of slot across N480
N498 Layer 480 NB4 28 pp4 LIA same slot as N497 but finds together just before ditch
N499 Pit NB4 32 pp10(small) MIA just west of N710 - very similar shape to N455
N500 Layer 488 NB4 33 bc3 burnt brickearth of hearth of corn drier
N501 Specific Find 474? NB4 3035 bc9(mostly small) Roman brick? - in disturbed part of hut circle N474
N502 Segment 440 NB4 23 pp10(some bone attached)+bo11(frags mixed with soil) MIA south segment
N503 Patch 488? NB4 33 Patch/pit/tunnel between N304 and N504 - part of corn drier?
N504 Pit 488 NB4 33 pp2 ?MIA Large scooped pit near N304 that may be part of N488
N505 Slot segment 480 NB4 34 pp9+fl1+me1(Fe) ?MIA East-west slot across west half of N480
N506 Layer 442 NB4 3536 pp1(rim) LIA gravel bank just to the south of N442
N507 Layer 442? NB4 3536 pp3+bo(small frags) ?LIA Layer of soil sealed underneath N506 - fairly stoney and only about 2-3cm thick
N508 Patch NB4 37 pp1(small) indet small sherd found in very clayey patch towards the north of LFN
N509 Well 302? NB4 37-41 pp29(inc rim)+lw68+ch+bc11(10hearth 1briquetage) LIA small well towards west and inside enclosure N302-has big pot base
N510 Located Unstratified 301? NB4 119 pp30(small) ?MIA context for a collection of sherds found virtually on surface only 1 metre from N301 - may be upturned finds tray from earlier
N511 Patch SD34N NB4 4142 pp13(all flint tempered) fg indet flat base sherds orangy/brown clayey patch in the junction of trackways
N512 Pond SD34N NB4 4142 pp5(inc 2rim) LIA just to north of N450
N513 Possible ditch SD34N NB4 4142 clayey patch/ditch producing pottery
N514 Pit SD34N NB4 4344 pit and burnt post hole just to south of trackway - may be associated with N515
N515 Pit SD34N NB4 4344 Pit and burnt post hole near and similar to N514
N516 Layer 512 NB4 4344 pr1(amphora) ROM
N517 Ditch NB4 4546 pp1(rim) ROM a length of ditch approx 0.9m wide running E-W at the trackway junction
N518 Layer 512 NB4 4344 pp15(inc rim base)(mid IA to Roman) LIA/?ROM/?MIA orangy layer
N519 Patch NB4 45 pp18(small) MIA disturbed patches in natural brown clay patches at junction of trackways
N520 Ditch 462? NB4 46 N-S ditch which may be same as N462
N521 Well NB4 47 pp9 indet Deep pit/well produced very flinty pottery
N522 Patch NB4 48 large grey silt patch - north of LFN
N523 Patch NB4 48 round grey silt/loam patch not far from N522
N524 Segment 442 NB4 48 pp22(roman?)(inc 2rim) LIA/ROM west of N480
N525 Layer 512 NB4 50 bo19(resonable size)+soil sample lowest grey clay below N516 - really smelly and has produced some bone and wood
N526 Segment 481 NB4 48 pp9 LIA/ROM E-W across N481
N527 Patch 523? NB4 54 probably back fill from earlier dig of N523
N528 Hut Ring ditch SD16N NB4 5253 pp29(inc decor 4rim) LIA S-E corner of N302
N529 Patch NB4 54 Charcoal patch just north of trackway junction - no finds
N530 Located Unstratified 440? NB4 55 pp2 ?MIA sherds found in loose
N531 Layer 440 NB4 55 pp2+sl1 fg preh finds over south butt end of N440
N532 Segment 440 NB4 57 pp1(base) LIA N-E segment
N533 Segment 481 NB4 58 pp15(inc rim) LIA extention of slot N526
N534 Surface Cleaning 528? NB4 59 pp12(inc rim)+fl2 ?MIA surface finds over ring ditch
N535 Segment 480 NB4 59 pp29(inc 7rim)+fl1+bc6 LIA
N536 Segment 440 S-W quarter of seperate section N440 at entrance
N537 Post Hole NB4 61 no finds
N538 Segment 480 NB4 6263 pp20(inc 4rim)+bc3 LIA + res preh
N539 Segment 480 NB4 64 pp24(inc rim)+bo24 MIA + LIA another small box segment
N540 Segment 480 NB4 11564 pp18(inc rim) MIA continuation of N539
N541 Slot segment 481 NB4 67 pp4 ?MIA slot cut across N442 as well as N481 - N480
N542 Modern Feature SD16N NB4 269 field drain pipes which look like ditch in AP
N543 Hut Ring ditch NB4 74 pp23(small)+fl1 MIA to north of N472
N544 Hut Ring ditch 543? NB4 74 pp22(inc base) ?EIA just inside ring N543
N545 Surface Cleaning 545? NB4 7576 pp10(inc base) ?EIA finds could be N543 or N544
N546 Segment 440 NB4 76 pp2 ??EIA north butt end
N547 Fork salvaged 481 NB4 76 pp44(inc rim)+bc4 LIA/ROM salvaged N481 - N480
N548 Segment 440 NB4 5776 pp3(inc rim) ?LIA remaining half of N532 and N536
N549 Ditch NB4 9192 same ditch as Q10
N550 Ditch NB4 9192 pp4(all rim) LIA NE-SW ditch across the trackway in the north of LFN
N551 Segment 473 NB5 7 pp13(inc 7base) MIA south butt end of entrance
N552 Segment 473 NB5 7 pp3 MIA north butt end of ring entrance
N553 Post Hole 472 NB5 78 pp1 fg sherd main south posthole of entrance
N554 Post Hole 472 NB5 78 pp1 ?LIA inner south post hole of entrance
N555 Post Hole 472 NB5 78 main north entrance post hole
N556 Post Hole 472 NB5 78 inner north entrance post hole
N557 Pit/Posthole 472 NB5 9 inside N472
N558 Pit/Posthole 472 NB5 9 inside 472
N559 Pit/Posthole 472 NB5 9 inside N472
N560 Ditch 472? NB5 9 pp2(small) indet small 'L' shaped ditch or gulley which may belong to N472
N561 Pit/Posthole 472 NB5 9 inside N472
N562 Surface Cleaning 472? NB5 125 pp13(inc rim) LIA + res preh from over N472 and N473
N563 Pit/Posthole 543? NB5 10 pp5(v small) indet inside rings N543 and N544
N564 Fork salvaged 544 NB5 10
N565 Possible ditch NB5 19 pp1(small) indet end of feature exposed in stripping - NE corner of N706
N566 Patch NB5 19 pp1(small) indet exposed by stripping in NE corner of N706
N567 Pit NB5 19 pp6(inc base) fg sherds north of N302 exposed by stripping
N568 Possible hearth NB5 19 may be associated with features uncovered by stripping
N569 Possible ditch 302? NB5 16 SE corner of N706
N570 Pit/Posthole NB5 23 pp1 towards north edge of LFN
N571 Post Hole 711 NB5 24
N572 Post Hole 711 NB5 24
N573 Post Hole 711 NB5 24
N574 Post Hole 711 NB5 24
N575 Post Hole 711 NB5 24
N576 Post Hole 711 NB5 24
N577 Ditch NB5 24 W-E ditch about halfway between N302 and LFN north ditch
N578 Pit NB5 24 north of LFN - just charcoal fill
N579 Pit NB5 24 north of LFN - similar to N578
N580 Pit NB5 2425 pp6+bc1 ?EIA similar fill to N578 and N579 but larger and with pottery
N581 Possible hearth NB5 2425 just to north of N577
N582 Hut Ring ditch SD24N NB5 2223 pp4 ?EIA to north of N302 - not actually round
N583 Gulley NB5 23 short lenght in north of LFN
N584 Ditch NB5 2829 NE-SW ditch - Specks of slag and coke - modern field drain?
N585 Ditch NB5 2829 NE-SW ditch
N587 Possible hearth NB5 3031 pp2 fg preh pit or hearth to east of N95
N588 Cremation NB5 3031 small pit - charcoal and burnt bone fragments
N589 Hearth NB5 303133 pp39(inc base) EIA/MIA plenty of burnt stones charcoal and pottery
N590 Possible hearth NB5 3031 plenty of burnt stones and charcoal to north of N302
N591 Possible hearth NB5 303233 plenty of burnt stones and charcoal
N592 Located Unstratified NB5 3233 bc1 piece of 'brick' found just below plough soil
N593 Ditch 577 NB5 3233 probably same as N577
N594 Barrow Ring Ditch NB5 13234 shows clearly in crop marks
N595 Surface Cleaning 594? NB5 3940 pm3+tl1+fl1+gl1+sh1 context for finds in topsoil over N594
N596 Patch NB5 4243 very grey silty patch - no finds
N597 Segment 93 NB5 4344 pp51(inc 6base) LIA top layer - N302
N598 Layer 93 NB5 4344 pp52(inc rim base) LIA below N597
N599 Layer 93 NB5 44 below N597 N598
N600 Pottery 93 NB5 44 pp46(inc 7rim 3base) LIA crushed pot that is mostly in layers N598 N599
N601 Segment 93 NB5 45 pp72(inc 6rim)(all small)+bc8 LIA top layer - N302
N602 Layer 93 NB5 45 pp38+pp5 LIA?ROM + res preh layer below N601 - N302
N604 Fork salvaged 93 NB5 47 N302 between N597 and N601
N605 Fork salvaged 93 NB5 47 pp117(inc 10rim 4base)+fl3+tl1(small)+bc2(1 large)+pp23(inc rim) ROM/LIA N302 west of N597
N606 Surface Cleaning 582 SD24N NB5 47 pp44+pp5+fl1 ?EIA find from north butt end of entrance
N607 Four Poster 582? NB5 5152 inside N582 so might be hut structure
N608 Fork salvaged 302 NB5 53 pp99(inc 57 unwashed)+bc8 LIA not clear in notebook
N609 Ditch NB5 5455 NE-SW ditch in north of LFN
N610 Ditch NB5 57 NE-SW ditch in SE corner of LFN - mixed silty fill like N609
N611 Fork salvaged 582 NB5 5558 bc1 includes south butt end - cut by modern field pipe
N612 Pit 613 NB5 60 ch very black charcoally pit inside enclosure N613
N613 Rectilinear Enclosure NB5 60 enclosure joined on east of N1
N614 Possible post hole 613? NB5 60 inside N613 - light grey fill
N615 Ditch 93? NB5 61 pp5+bc1 LIA E-W ditch which was probably extention of N302
N616 Segment 23 NB5 63 pp3(small) ?EIA actually three segments of N23 - N613
N617 Located Unstratified NB5 118 pp1 ?ROM Roman tile on east of LFN in plough soil
N801 Post Hole 582 SD24N NB6 2 pp1(small) indet
N802 Possible post hole 582 NB6 4 pp3(small) indet kidney shaped scrape inside N582
N803 Possible post hole 582 SD24N NB6 45 pp12+ch ?EIA double pit in entrance to N582
N804 Post Hole 582 NB6 67 pp2 ?EIA near entrance
N805 Pottery 302 NB6 6 pp10+bc1 ?LIA/ROM pot in ditch towards SW of N302
N806 Segment 582 NB6 7 longitudinal segment - no finds
N807 Patch 582 SD24N NB6 8 pp3 ?EIA ovoid depression inside entrance of N582
N808 Post Hole 582? NB6 13 pp1 ?LIA small post hole near to ring ditch
N809 Post Hole 582? NB6 13 inside ring ditch
N810 Post Hole 582 NB6 14 inside ring ditch
N811 Possible post hole 582? NB6 14 doubtful post hole inside ring ditch
N812 Ditch 577 NB6 11151720 E-W section of ditch south of 'barrow' N594
N813 Post Hole 582? SD24N NB6 1516 pp21 ?EIA adjacent to N807
N814 Patch 582? NB6 16 small depression inside N582 - no finds
N815 Post Hole 582? NB6 17 inside N582
N816 Ditch 577 NB6 17 another length south of N594
N817 Possible post hole 582 NB6 18 inside N582
N818 Patch 582? NB6 18 inside N582
N819 Possible post hole 582? NB6 18 not clear in notebook but probably another possible post hole in N819
N820 Possible post hole 582 NB6 19 pp1(rim) ?EIA inside N582
N821 Post Hole 582? NB6 19 pp2 ?MIA inside N582
N822 Post Hole 582? NB6 19 pp1 ?EIA inside N582
N823 Located Unstratified NB6 21 tl1 piece of brick from somewhere in LFN
N824 Ditch NB6 22 N-S ditch in SE corner of LFN revealed by stripping
N825 Post Hole 582? NB6 23 just outside N582 entrance
N826 Ditch NB6 36870 W-E ditch east of N706 N302
N827 Ditch NB6 24 SE-NW ditch east of N302
N828 Possible ditch NB6 24 pp14 ?ROM another E-W ditch
N829 Post Hole 582? NB6 25 inside N582
N830 Patch 582? NB6 25 inside N582
N831 Segment 582 NB6 26 south butt end
N832 Patch 582 NB6 26 inside N582
N833 Post Hole 582? NB6 2627 inside N582
N834 Post Hole 582 NB6 27 inside N582
N835 Segment 582 NB6 32 pp7(inc base) ?EIA north segment
N836 Segment 582 NB6 32 pp2(inc 1rim)+bc1 ?EIA north segment to west of N835
N837 Possible post hole 582? NB6 33 just to north of N582
N838 Possible pit 582? NB6 3334 just to north of N582
N700 Excavation trench 'Barrow' excavation trench including extentions- 22/9/78 extended 9/8/80
N701 Layer NB1 74 'gravelling' close to and over field entrance
N702 Excavation trench NB2 1 main excavation area excavated 1-8-81
N703 Excavation trench NB2 3 seperate trial trench to south of N702
N703 Excavation trench NB2 3 smaller trench just east of N702 over N114 excavated
N704 Excavation trench NB2 4 second trench excavated 8-8-81 - runs W-E to south of N702
N705 Excavation trench NB2 4 last of 3 smaller trenches excavated 8-1-81 - square and just to south of N704
N706 Rectilinear Enclosure NB7 31 includes outer ditches - trackway ditch and internal divisions
N707 Excavation Area NB7 32 area centres on hut circle N301 and includes other features in same ancient 'field' - work started 26-9-82
N708 Trackway NB7 3132 overall context for trackway in LFN
N709 Four Poster NB7 3132 Four post holes to south of area N707
N710 Four Poster NB7 33 four or five post holes between N474 and N301
N711 Six Poster NB7 33 just south of long ditch N577
N712 Located Unstratified NB7 pp7(unstrat from LFN or LFQ)+bc finds which are from LFN or LFQ
N713 Layer 509 NB7 pp7(inc rim)+bf7+fl2(fosil+square)+ch(small) context inside pot base at bottom of N509
P1 Rectilinear Enclosure NB5 67+lots main double ditched enclosure
P2 Ditch 1 NB5 67+lots outer ditch
P3 Ditch 1 NB5 67+lots inner ditch
P4 Ditch NB5 67+lots N-S Roman ditch
P5 Surface Cleaning 1 NB5 117 over P2
P6 Surface Cleaning 1 NB5 117 over P3
P7 Surface Cleaning 1 NB5 117 between P2 and P3
P8 Located Unstratified 1? NB5 117
P9 Surface Cleaning 1 NB5 117 between N2 and N3
P10 Possible pit NB5 69 probably natural - no finds
P11 Post Hole NB5 6970
P12 Post Hole NB5 6970
P13 Post Hole NB5 6970
P14 Pit NB5 6970 undefined edges
P15 Pit NB5 6970 undefined edges
P16 Pit NB5 69-71 undefined edges
P17 Post Hole NB5 6971
P18 Post Hole NB5 6971
P19 Surface Cleaning 1 NB5 116 between P2 and P3
P20 Possible gulley 1 NB5 7273 or line of postholes
P21 Pit 1 NB5 73 oblong pit close to inner ditch
P22 Possible pit NB5 73 pit or patch similar to fill to P21
P23 Patch NB5 73 elongated patch which predates P3
P24 Segment 2 NB5 67
P25 Segment 3 NB5 67
P26 Segment 3 NB5 67 next to P25
P27 Surface Cleaning 1 NB5 67 toward SE corner of P1
P28 Segment P2 NB5 77 top layer
P29 Layer 2 NB5 77 below P28
P30 Segment 4 NB5 77 close to SW corner of P1
P31 Possible pit NB5 78 similar to P27
P32 Patch NB5 78 oval patch/pit - charcoal rich soil
P33 Segment 3? NB5 80 segment of butt end in SE corner
P34 Segment 3 NB5 81
P35 Layer 3 NB5 81 finds fron west end of P34
P36 Layer 3 NB5 81 finds from east end of P34
P37 Post Hole 40 NB5 81
P38 Segment 2 NB5 78 near SW corner
P39 Surface Cleaning 1? NB5 114 finds from surface between P31 and P32
P40 Rectangular Structure 1? NB5 81 post structure in SE corner of P1
P41 Post Hole 40 NB5 81
P42 Post Hole 40 NB5 81
P43 Post Hole 40 NB5 81 very shallow
P44 Pit 1? NB5 81 natural - first thought to be part of P40
P45 Post Hole 1? NB5 81 not clear in notebook
P46 Post Hole 40 NB5 81
P47 Post Hole 40 NB5 81
P48 Post Hole 40 NB5 81 mostly destroyed by field drain
P49 Post Hole 40 NB5 81 mostly destroyed by field drain
P50 Post Hole 40 NB5 81
P51 Post Hole 40 NB5 81
P52 Post Hole 40 NB5 81
P53 Post Hole 40 NB5 81
P54 Post Hole 40 NB5 81
P55 Post Hole 40 NB5 81
P56 Post Hole 40 NB5 81
P57 Segment 3 NB5 82 in west length
P58 Patch NB5 8283 underlying 'ditch' - I think natural
P59 Post Hole 1? NB5 8283 large posthole that cuts through P58
P60 Post Hole 1? NB5 8283 smaller but deeper posthole that cuts through P58
P61 Patch 1? NB5 8283 patch or pit over P60
P62 Segment 2 NB5 112 in SE corner
P63 Layer 3 NB5 83 stoney outside layer of P34
P64 Surface Cleaning 3? NB5 84 mostly over P3
P65 Segment 3 NB5 8485 SW corner
P66 Gulley 1? NB5 86
P67 Specific Find 3 NB5 86 perforated slab from junction of P3 and P66
P68 Segment 2 NB5 87
P69 Surface Cleaning 3? NB5 87 cleaning over P3
P70 Located Unstratified 1? NB5 87 collection of various finds over P1
P71 Segment 2 NB5 88
P72 Segment 2 NB5 88
P73 Segment 2 NB5 8990 pp1+ss LBA - 1 sherd
P74 Segment 2 NB5 8990
P75 Layer 2 NB5 9091 ss lower charcoally layer of P74
P76 Segment 3 NB5 9091 top layer on east side
P77 Layer 3 NB5 9091 gravelly bottom of P76
P78 Post Hole NB5 92 small - just outside SE corner of P1
P79 Post Hole NB5 92 small - just outside SE corner of P1
P80 Post Hole NB5 110 small - just outside SE corner of P1
P81 Pit/Posthole 1? NB5 93 SE corner
P82 Surface Cleaning 1? NB5 94 between pegs C8 and B8
P83 Specific Find 4? NB5 95 sherd on very edge of P84
P84 Segment 4 NB5 95
P85 Segment 2 NB5 95 no finds
P86 Patch 1? NB5 94 charcoally patch or posthole in top and cutting P31
P87 Pottery 809 NB5 10498 same pot as P818
P88 Pottery 809 NB5 105 pp27 LBA fg sherd + 1 rim pottery that came loose while cleaning round P818
P89 Located Unstratified 809? NB5 105 pottery from spoil from over P818
P90 Segment 808 NB5 106 pp2+bc10(v small) indet south segment
P91 Post Hole 808? pp1 1 fg sherd at centre of P808 'entrance'
P92 Possible post hole 808? inside south of P808 - no finds
P93 Segment 808? pp1 indet 'section' of ringditch at west of P91 - not clear in notebook
P94 Segment 808? pp6 indet not at all clear in notebooks
P95 Sample 808? notebook unclear - says pot & soil from around grave LFP809
P96 Pit/Posthole 1? loamy silt between P2 and P3 - natural?
P97 Pit/Posthole 1? tiny pit/posthole - south side between P2 and P3
P98 Segment 814 pp2(v small) indet
P99 Located Unstratified 1? context for rim sherd found while surface cleaning
P100 Fork salvaged 2 pp1(rim)+ot(perforated slab fragment) LBA rim sherd + PCS approx. midway in North ditch of P1
P101 Fork salvaged 1? pp2 ?LBA rescued from inside P1
P102 Fork salvaged 3 pp3(1 decor rim) LBA rim + body sherds rescued from P1
P800 Rectilinear Enclosure NB6 42 approx 18 by 24 metres - single east entrance
P801 Ditch 800 NB6 4143 west ditch
P802 Ditch 800 NB6 4143 north ditch
P803 Ditch NB6 43 E-W ditch which curves slightly across the south end of LFP
P804 Ditch 800 NB6 44 south part of east ditch
P805 Ditch 800 NB6 44 north part of east ditch
P806 Pit/Posthole 800? NB6 44 pp5 LIA/ROM small just outside P800 and just south of entrance
P807 Unknown feature 800? NB6 45 large feature just inside NE corner of P800
P808 Barrow Ring Ditch NB6 45506162 approx 16m diameter with causeway toward NW
P809 Pit 800 NB6 4552 bc10(v small)+fl2 grave pit at centre of P800
P810 Unknown feature 800? NB6 46 feature just outside P808 to north
P811 Unknown feature 808? NB6 46 feature just outside P808 to north
P811 Unknown feature 808? NB6 46 feature just outside P808 and to west
P812 Unknown feature 808? NB6 46 just outside ring to south
P813 Unknown feature 808? NB6 46 just outside P808 to SW - further out than P812
P814 Ditch 800 NB6 4147 south ditch of P800
P815 Pottery 803 NB6 47 pp26(inc rim) ?LIA
P816 Pottery 804 NB6 47 pot sherds from terminal of P804
P817 Feature 800 NB6 48 newly discovered butt ended entrance in west ditch P801
P818 Pottery 808 NB6 505253 main pottery urn from grave P809
P819 Pit/Posthole 800 NB6 5052 centre of NE entrance
P820 Possible Rectangular Structure NB6 5965 me1(Fe nail frag)+tl1+ot(brick) large 'sunken floor' feature full of grey clay - few peg tiles - joined to P803
P821 Possible pit NB6 5960 grey clay pit feature just to north of P820
P822 Possible pit NB6 5960 grey clay near P820
P823 Possible pit NB6 5960 grey clay near P820
P824 Ditch NB6 5963 short ditch joining P826 to modern field boundary
P825 Specific Find NB6 5859 just south of P824
P826 Ditch NB6 59 long straight ditch which is extension of N3
P827 Pottery 826 NB6 59 pp1 at junction with P822
P828 Possible Cremation NB6 50 not in notebook
P829 Patch NB6 555663 bf1+cb1(in soil sample) large patches of brown clay to north of P808
P830 Group of finds NB6 555663 group of dark patches adjoining P829
P831 Patch 808? NB6 5054 patch in 'entrance' of P808 - not clear in notebook
P832 Feature 808 NB6 5455 possible opposite east entrance to circle
P833 Layer NB6 59 layer of stripping under P834
P834 Layer NB6 5759 top layer of fill over P833 and then P821 and P822
P835 Group of finds NB6 5563 group of mixed fill features to SE of P808
P836 Group of finds 800? NB6 63 group of light brown patches inside P800
P837 Group of finds NB6 5563 group of features to SW of P808
P838 Group of finds 808? NB6 63 group of small pits/postholes around NE of P808
P839 Pottery 808 NB6 62 pp1 LBA - 1 sherd sherd from terminal at 'east' entrance of P808
P840 Well NB6 68858990 big well feature with loads of exciting bits
P840gr Group of finds NB6 7086 group of patches to SW of P840
P841 Pit NB6 707476 pit with red burned clay linning and black vegitatation? attached to P842
P842 possible ring ditch NB6 7576 very shallow
P843 Post Hole NB6 7576 burned black stones
P844 Post Hole NB6 7576 dark grey fine silty fill
P845 Pottery NB6 7576 sherd in light grey fine silt
P846 Patch 851? NB6 7576 pp8(small)+fl2 4 fg sherds carbon/charcoal in upper levels - scoop surrounding P851
P847 Group of finds NB6 7476 cb(in black soil sample?)+ss group of black patches
P848 Group of finds NB6 7172 group of black patches just north of P814
P849 Possible fence line NB6 71-73 chain of black patches just south of P814
P850 Unknown feature NB6 76 band of bright yellow brown clay near P842
P851 Pit NB6 7576 central pit surrounded by scooped features P846 P852 P853 P854
P852 Patch 851? NB6 7678 scooped feature round P851
P853 Patch 851? NB6 7678 scooped feature around P851
P854 Patch 851? NB6 7678 scooped feature around P851
P856 Post Hole NB6 7576 possible fence line with P857 P858 P843 P844
P857 Post Hole NB6 7576 pp3 LBA sherds possible fence line
P858 Post Hole NB6 7576 possible fence line
P859 Patch NB6 71-73 area surrounding black humus adjoining P848
P860 Possible hearth NB6 7273 bc10 just south of P814
P861 Patch NB6 77 2 small scooped features 12m north of P840
P862 Patch NB6 7879 larged scooped feature outside and west of P808
P863 Patch NB6 86 same feature as P853
P864 Patch NB6 86 same feature as P854
P865 Patch NB6 86 same as P852
P866 Patch NB6 86 same feature as P852?
P867 Patch NB6 86 sausage shaped scoop
P868 Possible pit NB6 86 broard scooped shallow pit just south of P867
P869 Patch NB6 86 large area of light brown orange clay
P870 Post Hole NB6 86 in a line with P871 P875 P876
P871 Post Hole NB6 86 in a line with P870 P875 P876
P872 Patch NB6 86 similar to P868
P873 Patch NB6 86 similar to P868
P874 Patch NB6 86 similar fill to P868
P875 Post Hole NB6 86 in a line with P870 P871 P876
P876 Post Hole NB6 86 in a line with P870 P871 P875
P877 Patch NB6 86 same fill as P890
P878 Patch NB6 86 same fill as P890
P879 Patch NB6 86 same fill as P890
P880 Patch NB6 86 same fill as P890
P881 Pit NB6 868990 circular scoop pit - 100% black fill (probably grain?)
P882 Group of finds NB6 86 context given to closely related group of pits etc
P883 Patch 882 NB6 86 had good flint core
P884 Pit 882 NB6 86 circular pit among P882 group but has early IA late BA pot
P885 Patch 882 NB6 86
P886 Group of finds NB6 82 area 80mx7Mx1.4m deep cut into gravel by box scraper
P887 Unknown feature NB6 8283 feature showing in section of P886
P888 Patch 886 NB6 8283
P889 Patch 886 NB6 8283
P890 Ditch NB6 868283 E-W across site
P891 Patch NB6 828386 large area of clay similar to P869
P892 Patch NB6 828386
P893 Patch NB6 828386
P894 Patch NB6 828386
P895 Patch NB6 828386
P896 Patch NB6 828386
P897 Patch NB6 828386
P898 Patch NB6 8586
P899 Group of finds NB6 8485 group of features uncovered by box scraper in SE of LFP
P900 Patch NB6 86
P901 Patch NB6 86
P902 Patch NB6 86
P903 Patch NB6 86
P904 Patch NB6 86
P905 Possible post hole NB6 86 hut
P906 Possible post hole NB6 86 hut?
P907 Possible post hole NB6 86 hut?
P908 Possible post hole NB6 86 hut?
P909 Possible post hole NB6 86 hut?
P910 Possible post hole NB6 86 hut?
P912 Possible post hole NB6 86
P913 Possible post hole NB6 86
P914 Possible post hole NB6 86
P915 Possible post hole NB6 86
P916 Possible post hole NB6 86
P917 Possible post hole NB6 86
P918 Gulley 840? NB6 86 drainage channels
P919 Gulley 840? NB6 86 drainage channel
P920 Possible post hole NB6 86
P921 Possible post hole NB6 86
P922 Possible post hole NB6 86
P923 Possible post hole NB6 86
P924 Possible post hole NB6 86
P925 Possible post hole NB6 86
P926 Possible post hole NB6 86
P927 Possible post hole NB6 86
P928 Possible post hole NB6 86
P929 Possible post hole NB6 86
P930 Possible post hole NB6 86
P931 Possible post hole NB6 86
P932 Possible post hole NB6 86
P933 Possible post hole NB6 86
P934 Possible post hole NB6 86
P935 Possible post hole 86
P936 Possible post hole 86
P937 Possible post hole 86
P938 Patch 86 lots of red burned stones
P939 Patch close to P890
P940 Patch 86 probably contemporary with P892 group
P941 Patch 86 features close to P938
P942 Patch 86 features close to P938
P943 Patch 86 features close to P938
P944 Patch 882 88
P945 Patch 882 88
P946 Patch 882 88
P947 Patch 882 88
P948 Patch 882 88
P949 Patch 882 88
P950 Patch 882 88
P951 Patch 882 88
P952 Patch 882 88
P953 Patch 882 88
P954 Possible pit 8592 possible Neolithic feature just to north of P1
P955 Possible pit 8592 possible Neolithic feature to the north of P1
Q1 Cremation NB4 77 pp14(loose)+pp1(reconstructed base of urn) base of Deverel-Rimbury urn ?globular urn BA Base of cremation urn
Q2 Unknown Ring ditch NB4 78-80 pp7(inc rim)+fl2 ?MIA south arc of a ring ditch
Q3 Possible hearth 2? NB4 78-80 pp6+bc2 ?MIA charcoal rich pit inside Q2
Q4 Post Hole 2? NB4 78-80 pp4(small) indet small inside Q2 producing pottery
Q5 Possible post hole 2? NB4 78-80 very small at very centre of Q2
Q6 Post Hole 2? NB4 78-80 double posthole at possible east facing entrance to Q2
Q7 Ditch NB4 82 pp3(small)+soil sample ?MIA main east trackway ditch
Q8 Ditch NB4 82 smaller inner ditch in trackway N-S
Q9 Ditch NB4 82 gl1+me6?(Cu Pb etc) wider N-S ditch inside trackway - metal detector finds
Q10 Ditch NB4 82 pp2+fl5 ?LBA west main ditch of trackway
Q11 Ditch NB4 788185 E-W field ditch towards the north of LFQ
Q12 Pit/Posthole 111 SD38Q NB4 82 pp2 ?MIA just to south of Q2
Q13 Located Unstratified NB4 8485 possible Roman tile in topsoil just west of TP6
Q14 Ditch NB4 87 E-W ditch just north of Q2
Q15 Specific Find 9 NB4 87 small bronze 'cross' in fill of Q9
Q16 Pit NB4 88 pp56(50% v small)+pp1(almost complete pot+pp12(in 1 piece) LBA/EIA north half of pit with pot on line of trackway ditch Q7
Q17 Segment 16 NB4 8288 south half of pit Q16
Q18 Modern Feature NB4 8990 line of large bore field drains N-S toward west of LFQ
Q19 Pit/Posthole 111 SD38Q NB4 9394 less than 10m S of Q2
Q20 Pit/Posthole 111 SD38Q NB4 9394 less than 10m S of Q2
Q21 Pit/Posthole 111 SD38Q NB4 9394 5m S of Q2
Q22 Pit/Posthole 111 NB4 9394 pp2 ?EIA less than 10m S of Q2
Q23 Pit/Posthole 111 SD38Q NB4 9394 less than 10m S of Q2
Q24 Pit/Posthole 111 SD38Q NB4 9596 pp4 ?MIA less than 10m SW of Q2
Q25 Pit/Posthole 112 NB4 9596
Q26 Pit/Posthole 112 NB4 9596
Q27 Pit/Posthole 113 NB4 9394
Q28 Pit/Posthole 113 NB4 9394
Q29 Pit/Posthole 74 NB4 96 east wall
Q30 Pit/Posthole 74 NB4 96 east wall
Q31 Pit/Posthole 74 NB4 96 east wall
Q32 Pit/Posthole 74 SD38Q NB4 96 east wall
Q33 Pit/Posthole 74 SD38Q NB4 96-98 east wall
Q34 Pit/Posthole 74 SD38Q NB4 96-98 east wall
Q35 Segment 10 NB4 97 in west trackway ditch
Q36 Segment 7 NB4 97 in east trackway ditch
Q37 Pit 2? NB4 9697 elongated pit - inside Q2
Q38 Pit 111 SD38Q NB4 9697 pp26(inc rim)+bf17+fl5 ?EIA elongated pit - 12m west of Q2
Q39 Pit/Posthole 2? SD38Q NB4 9798 inside Q2 - may be two posts close together
Q40 Pit/Posthole 111 SD38Q NB4 98 soil sample larger pit 15m SW of Q2
Q41 Layer 38 NB4 97 lower layer
Q42 Post Hole 111 SD38Q NB4 100 5m S of Q2
Q43 Post Hole 111 SD38Q NB4 100 6m S of Q2
Q44 Patch 111 NB4 100 just S of Q43
Q45 Possible post hole 111 NB4 100 joined to Q46 - just S of Q44
Q46 Possible post hole 111 NB4 100 joined to Q45
Q47 Patch 111 NB4 100 just S of Q46
Q48 Patch 111 NB4 100 just S of Q47
Q49 Pit 1? NB4 102 pp5(inc base)+fl2 ?LBA/EIA (but may be Neolithic) about 1m from Q1 - produced pottery and flint
Q50 Pit 111 NB4 109 pp4(inc decor)+fl3 Neolithic - Mildenhall Style 1m diam. 5m SE of Q2
Q51 Ditch NB4 103 curved ditch - approx 20m N of Q14
Q52 Post Hole 74 NB4 104 west wall
Q53 Pit/Posthole 74 NB4 104 west wall
Q54 Post Hole 74 NB4 104 west wall
Q55 Post Hole 74 NB4 104 west wall
Q56 Pit/Posthole 109 NB4 105 possible hearth - Pats notes
Q57 Pit/Posthole 109 NB4 105 pp40(inc rim)+fl7+bf28+soil sam ?Neolithic
Q58 Post Hole 109 NB4 105
Q59 Post Hole 109 NB4 105 pp3(rim decor) ?beaker/EBA
Q60 Post Hole 109 NB4 105 pp1+fl1+bf7 flint temp preh Hearth - Pats notes
Q61 Post Hole 109 NB4 105
Q62 Post Hole 109 NB4 105
Q63 Post Hole 111 NB4 108 pp1 just S of Q74
Q64 Post Hole 111 NB4 108 just S of Q74
Q65 Possible post hole 110 NB4 106
Q66 Possible post hole 110 NB4 106
Q67 Possible post hole 110 NB4 106 pp7+bf2 ?LBA inc flat base
Q68 Possible post hole 110 NB4 106 pp16(inc rim)+fl5+bf15 LBA inc rims possible hearth - Pats notes
Q69 Patch 110 NB4 106 interesting patch showing burnt clay
Q70 Possible pit 111 NB4 108 pp15(inc rim decor)+fl2+bf1+soilsam MIA just E of Q74 - not clear in notebook
Q71 Possible pit 111 NB4 108 pp8(small)+bc5+bf2 fg preh just E of Q74 - not clear in notebook
Q72 Possible pit 111 NB4 108 just E of Q74 - not clear in notebook
Q73 Ditch NB4 106 pp1 pg preh E-W ditch to the south of LFQ
Q75 Pit/Posthole 114 NB5 34 south end of LFQ
Q76 Patch 114 NB5 34 pp27(smallish) fg preh long light brown brickearth patch - Some charcoal flecks and pottery
Q77 Ditch 73? NB5 4 pp13 fg preh may be same as Q73
Q78 Ditch NB5 5 NW-SE ditch coming into the south of LFQ - 60cm wide
Q79 Hearth 114 NB5 5 pp9+bf1 fg preh plenty of burnt red stones charcoal and pottery
Q80 Pit/Posthole 114 NB5 5 pp4 fg preh 4m S of Q79
Q81 Ditch NB5 6 N-S ditch irregular sides - coming into LFQ close to Q78
Q82 Pit 114 NB5 6 pp6+ch fg sherd + tiny sherd of decor bowl/cup LBA/EIA produced useful charcoal - 9m W of Q79
Q83 Pit 114 NB5 6 pp5 fg sherds small - 6m E of Q79
Q84 Possible pit 114 NB5 6 pp28(2small) LBA inc flat base and rim sherds charcoally - plenty of burnt stones - N of Q83
Q85 Possible gulley NB5 10 looked like one side of rectangular structure - other side not found - just north of Q14
Q86 Possible hearth NB5 12 pp75(inc 3rim) LBA sherds of ? jar inc rim burnt clay - crushed pot -20M SE of Q74
Q87 Pit NB5 12 pp19(all 1 pot inc rim and base) f temp jar base LBA/EIA 21m E of Q66-triple burial suggests Pat Adkins
Q88 Patch NB5 13 tl1+bsm1 clay patch in NE corner of LFQ
Q89 Possible hearth NB5 13 south of Q88
Q90 Hearth 111 SD38Q NB5 13 pp8(small)+bc7(small) ?MIA to W of group of features Q111
Q91 Located Unstratified NB5 14 tile in topsoil recorded but not recovered - E of Q2
Q92 Post Hole 114 NB5 14 south of LFQ
Q93 Possible hearth 114 NB5 14 pp16+fl1 LBA lug handle
Q94 Possible hearth 114 NB5 14
Q95 Pit/Posthole 114 NB5 14
Q96 Pit/Posthole 114 NB5 14
Q97 Pit/Posthole 114 NB5 14
Q98 Pit/Posthole 114 NB5 14
Q99 Pit/Posthole 114 NB5 14
Q100 Possible pit 111 SD38Q NB5 21 pp3+fl1+bc4 MIA banana shaped feature -W of Q111
Q101 Post Hole 111 SD38Q NB5 21 pp2 MIA west of line 10/30-10/40
Q102 Post Hole 111 SD38Q NB5 21 pp2 indet fg sherds west of line 10/30 - 10/40
Q103 Pit NB5 2627 pp1(v small) indet fg sherds largish on the line of Q7 trackway ditch
Q104 Possible pit SD38Q NB5 2627 pp1 indet fg sherds very deep pit or slot right next to and inside trackway ditch Q7
Q105 Segment 38 NB5 38 pp12 ?MIA
Q106 Pit 111 SD38Q NB5 3839 fairly large shallow pit just S of Q2
Q107 Pit/Posthole 111 NB5 39 pp3 fg body sherds S of Q2
Q108 Patch 111 NB5 39 may be very bottom of posthole - S of Q2
Q109 Group of finds NB4 105 group of pits - recorded notebook 4 page 105
Q110 Group of finds NB4 106 group of pits recorded notebook 4 page 106
Q111 Group of finds NB7 35 group of features around Q2 Q74
Q112 Four Poster 111 NB4 101 about 15m SW of Q2
Q114 Group of finds NB7 3537 general group of pits/hearth toward SE LFQ
Q115 Post Hole 111 NB7 36 pp3 fg fine ware was Pats p1
Q116 Post Hole 111 NB7 36 pp1+fl1 LIA was Pats p2
Q117 Post Hole 111 NB7 36 pp19(10small)+ch ?MIA was Pats p3
Q118 Post Hole 111 NB7 36 pp1 MIA (or possibly Saxon) was Pats p4
Q119 Patch 111 NB7 36 was Pats p5
Q120 Patch 111 NB7 36 was Pats p6
Q121 Patch 111 NB7 36 was Pats p7
Q122 Patch 111 NB7 36 was Pats p8
Q123 Patch 111 NB7 36 was Pats p9
Q124 Patch 111 NB7 36 was Pats p10
Q125 Possible hearth 110? NB7 37 pp3(small) from top of feature fg body sherds exact spot unknown - probably Q111 - Pats pm
Q126 Pit 111? NB7 37 pp7 ?LBA small jar (large part) + other sherds exact location not recorded - probably East of Q74
R1 Located Unstratified ot(possible Roman brick) Possible Roman brick from subsoil contractors test pit SE corner of LFR