

Data was stored and arranged using Microsoft Office programs - Excel and Access
The source files are included on this disk - allready.xls - loftscontexts2.xls - lofts99.mdb - lofts99_V7.mdb

The option below provides a simple direct way to access the base Lofts Farm data recorded on this disk.  It gives particular 'browser views' of the contexts and finds which may be useful to anyone delving into site relationships.


Whole Site View

This gives all the computer basic site data in one view. Data is presented in field and context order so starts with field LFA and ends with field LFR. Most browsers will allow searches for particular words on the page - e.g. Search for n444 for context LFN444 in field LFN.

LFN - 'Part of' View

Just shows LFN contexts in order according to another context number they are as 'Part of'.
LFP - 'Part of' View Just shows LFP contexts in order according to another context number they are as 'Part of'.
LFQ - 'Part of' View Just shows LFQ contexts in order according to another context number they are as 'Part of'.

Special 'Part of' views are not provided for other fields since they all have far fewer contexts than these three.  The 'Part of' data for all fields can be viewed in context order in the straight 'Whole Site View' above.