- Paul's WEB Index

This site just serves as a guide to an assortment of WEB sites managed by Paul N Brown . Most have archaeological content and each should be self contained and self explanatory.

Walter John Brown's Jotting's -

In memory of John Veitch Jnr - The Burnham Shipwrights - 2017

Special Lofts Farm Project Video - 2015

Archaeology & History Genealogy Pages

--- CLICK HERE --- to watch The Burnham Shipwrights - a song written by Mark Hickman and inspired by the memory of John Veitch and others who worked in the Burnham boatyard 100 years ago.

Non Archaeological Sites Some Favourite Links

Lofts Farm Project Interim Reports
Maeldune - Light on Maldon's Distant Past
The Maldon Burh Jigsaw
The Pitcalc Surveying Program
The Meaning of Life - 290K

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